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Wie Nigeria mit Indien versucht Afrikas Helden zu betrügen

#1 von Yavuz Özoguz , 14.08.2019 14:53

Wie Nigeria mit Indien versucht Afrikas Helden zu betrügen

Inzwischen wissen zumindest alle, die sich mit der islamischen Befreiungstheologie und dem unaufhaltsamen Untergang des Kapitalismus und dessen Westlicher Welt beschäftigen, dass im Herzen Afrikas eine gewaltfreie Befreiungsbewegung immer mehr Anhänger gewinnt. Diese Befreiungsbewegung hat das Potential alle Diktatoren der Region, die nur mit massiver westlicher Unterstützung ihr Unwesen treiben können, davon zu fegen. Die Regionen mit den reichsten Bodenschätzen werden dann nicht mehr so einfach von der kapitalistischen Welt ausgebeutet werden können. Die Bevölkerungen werden dann nicht mehr so verarmt sein müssen, wie es die Westliche Welt für ihren eigenen Reichtum vorsieht.

Einer der berühmtesten Anführer dieser Befreiungstheologie in Afrika, wenn nicht gar der berühmteste, ist Scheich Ibrahim Zakzaky [1]. Als treuer Anhänger Imam Chameneis und entschiedener Verurteiler zionistischer Massaker war er stets ein Dorn im Auge westlicher Geheimdienste. Nachdem seine gewaltfreie Bewegung immer mehr Einfluss gewonnen hat, hat das vom Westen unterstützte Regime Nigerias ein Massaker an Scheich Zakzaky und seinen Anhängern ausgeübt. Die Westliche Welt hat wohlwollend geschwiegen. Trotz schwerster Verletzungen Scheich Zakzakys und seiner Ehefrau wurden beide in Nigeria inhaftiert. Die Proteste seiner Anhänger weltweit haben dazu geführt, dass das nigerianische Regime ihm angeblich die medizinische Behandlung im Ausland erlaubt hat, allerdings ausschließlich in Indien.

Indien und Nigeria sind durch den Commonwealth miteinander verbunden und in beiden Ländern wirken vor allen westliche Geheimdienste. Diese wollten offensichtlich Scheich Zakzaky eine Falle stellen und haben ihn nach Indien gelockt. Über die Twitter-Nachrichten [2] seines Büros konnte man die Geschehnisse gut verfolgen. Dort wurde auf einen persönlich von Scheich Zakzaky heute gesprochenen Text verwiesen, den Alahed-News exklusiv sowohl mit der Stimme Scheich Zakzays als auch in englischer Übersetzung verbreitet hat [3]. Die deutsche Übersetzung lautet wie folgt:

„Im Namen Gottes des Gnädigen, des Begnadenden,
und Gottes Segen seien mit unserem Oberhaupt und Propheten Muhammad und seiner Familie, den gereinigten und geläuterten Fehlerfreien.

Wir sind jetzt hier in Neu Delhi, Indien. Wie Sie alle wissen, gab es eine Vereinbarung für uns, hierher zu kommen, um ärztliche Hilfe in Bezug auf die Beschwerden zu suchen, die wir haben, ich selbst und (meine Ehefrau) Malama Zeenah. Sie, Malama Zeenah, hat eine vollständige Kugel in ihrem Körper (der entfernt werden muss), und sie muss sich zusätzlich zu anderen Problemen einer Knieoperation unterziehen. Ich habe Splitter, sehr kleine Fragmente in meinen Augen, in meinen Händen und einige in meinem rechten Oberschenkel, die langsam Giftstoffe in meinem Körper freisetzen und eine Reihe von Komplikationen hervorrufen, von denen wir später herausfanden, dass sie die Ursache für kleine Schlaganfälle sind, die ich zum ersten und zum zweiten Mal hatte. Nach unserer Ansicht ist das erste, woran gedacht werden sollte, das Entfernen der Splitter. Dies ist ein Vorgang, der zu Hause nicht durchgeführt werden konnte, und die Ärzte haben vorgeschlagen, dass wir ins Ausland gehen sollten, wo der Vorgang durchgeführt werden kann.

Dann wäre der zweite Schritt, meinen Körper von Giftstoffen zu reinigen, von denen mir gesagt wurde, dass sie sich in den Knochen und einige im Fleisch ablagern, was normalerweise einige Zeit in Anspruch nimmt. Ich habe auch ein Problem mit meinem Auge, das die Ärzte, die uns nach einer zweiten Operation betreuten und mein Sehvermögen schwächten, mir vorschlugen, bessere Einrichtungen zu nutzen, um es pflegen zu lassen.

Nach all dem waren wir alle froh, dass wir in Delhi ankamen und wir wollten in ein geeignetes Krankenhaus gehen, um eine angemessene Behandlung zu erhalten. Außerdem rieten uns die Ärzte, die uns in Nigeria besuchten, in das Krankenhaus (namens) Medanta zu gehen. Deshalb haben wir darum gebeten, in dieses Krankenhaus gebracht zu werden.

Bevor wir Nigeria verließen, hörten wir die Nachricht, dass die amerikanische Botschaft hier in Indien das Krankenhaus bedrängt hat, uns bei unserer Ankunft nicht aufzunehmen. Und dass das Krankenhaus zugestimmt habe, uns nicht aufzunehmen. Als wir ankamen, überlegten wir uns, woanders hinzugehen. Später erfuhren wir jedoch, dass das Problem behoben war und wir ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert würden. Also machten wir uns von Nigeria aus auf den Weg.

Sobald wir hier ankamen, trafen wir uns mit einigen Krankenhausmitarbeitern am Flughafen, die uns zum Krankenhaus begleiteten. Als wir im Krankenwagen saßen, wurde und mitgeteilt, dass am Flughafen eine Menge Leute auf uns warteten, auch als wir in den Krankenwagen gestiegen waren. Aber sie sind ihnen ausgewichen und haben sie abgelenkt, indem sie zwei Krankenwagen am Ausgang abgestellt haben und behaupteten, wir würden sie besteigen, aber sie beschlossen, einen anderen Krankenwagen zu nehmen und auf einem anderen Weg abzufahren, damit die Leute am Flughafen k einen Blick darauf erhaschen.

Und sie sagten auch, es seien viele Leute am Eingang des Krankenhauses, um uns ankommen zu sehen. Sie teilten uns jedoch mit, dass wir bei unserer Ankunft durch einen Hintereingang geführt werden. Sie sagten, dass sie dies aufgrund der hohen Anzahl von Menschen taten. Sie befürchteten, dass der Versuch der Menschen, uns in der Menge zu erreichen, uns Schaden zufügen könnte, unabhängig davon, was sie sagten.

Als wir ankamen, erfuhren wir, dass jemand, der hier in der nigerianischen Botschaft arbeitet hier war, oder besser gesagt, dass es vor unserer Ankunft ein Treffen mit dem Krankenhauspersonal, nigerianischen Botschaftsmitarbeitern und einigen Sicherheitsmitarbeitern gegeben hatte, um herauszufinden, wie die Dinge zu erledigen seien, sobald wir hier sind.

Wir haben gesehen, dass wir praktisch in eine andere Haftanstalt gebracht wurden, die noch strenger ist als die, die wir damals in Nigeria hatten. Sie kamen mit bewaffneten Polizisten und vielen Mitarbeitern der nigerianischen Botschaft hierher. Und wir mussten auch feststellen, dass wir in diese andere Haftanstalt verwickelt wurden, obwohl wir auf Basis von Vertrauen gekommen waren.

Selbst in Nigeria hatte man sich verständigt, dass wir nur von den Ärzten behandelt werden, die wir auswählen, und dass wir uns ungezwungen fühlen, wenn wir behandelt werden. Aber hier erkennen wir, dass die Ärzte, die uns geraten haben, hierher zu kommen, in unserem Fall kein Mitspracherecht haben. Sie sagten uns sogar, als wir mit ihnen sprachen, dass sie nur beraten dürfen, aber das Krankenhaus sich das Recht vorbehalte, den Verlauf unserer Behandlung zu bestimmen. Also sagte ich ihnen, dass wir aufgrund des Vertrauens, das wir unseren Ärzten entgegenbringen, nicht jeden Arzt aufsuchen können, den wir nicht kennen und dem wir nicht vertrauen, uns zu behandeln. Und ohne Empfehlung von denen, denen wir vertrauen, können wir nicht zulassen, dass ein Fremder uns behandelt, unabhängig davon, wie mit Kugeln umgegangen werden kann, die auf eine andere Art und Weise entfernt werden.

Aus diesem Grund denken wir, dass basierend auf allem, was wir bisher gesehen haben, uns deutlich wird, dass wir hier nicht sicher sind. Wir sind lediglich in eine andere Haftanstalt gebracht worden.

Ich bin jetzt seit ungefähr 13 Jahren inhaftiert, aber ich habe noch nie eine Haft wie diese gesehen, in der ich mich gerade befinde. Sogar an den Türen haben sie die Polizei bewaffnet. Selbst zwischen den Räumen dürfen wir uns nicht bewegen. Dann sehe ich, dass ich selbst dort, wo wir herkommen, und in all den Zeiten, in denen ich in Nigeria eingesperrt war, so etwas noch nicht gesehen habe. Als ich in einem Gefängnis war, haben sie uns gegen 21 Uhr eingesperrt und um 7 Uhr morgens die Türen geöffnet, und wir konnten herumlaufen, wo immer wir in der Gefängniseinrichtung wollten, in der wir eingesperrt waren.

Ich sehe hier, dass es, selbst als ich im Kirikiri-Gefängnis war, nicht so beengt war wie in dieser Situation. Aus diesem Grund halte ich es nicht für angemessen, die Haft (in Nigeria) zu verlassen, um medizinische Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen und in eine andere Haftanstalt gebracht zu werden. Außerdem werden wir an Personen übergeben, denen wir nicht vertrauen. Auf dieser Grundlage denken wir, dass InschaAllah nach all den offensichtlichen Zeichen, wir nach Hause zurückkehren müssen, da wir zur medizinischen Versorgung ins Ausland reisen durften und Indien für uns kein sicherer Ort zu sein scheint. Wir müssen nach Hause zurückkehren, schließlich gibt es andere Länder, die angeboten haben, uns zu empfangen, wenn wir dorthin gehen könnten. Zu diesen Ländern gehören Malaysia, Indonesien und die Türkei. Wir können entscheiden, wohin wir gehen und dann dorthin, inschaAllah der Großartige.

Und der Frieden sei mit Muhammad und seiner reinen geläuterten Familie
Und der Freise sei mit Ihnen und Allahs Gnade.“

Offensichtlich hat man versucht Scheich Zakzaky eine Falle zu stellen. Er ist nicht darauf hereingefallen und das Desaster ist nunmehr größer für die Westliche Welt als zuvor. Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt, weiß nicht, dass Allah besser graben kann! Jetzt ist das indische System als Lakai des Westlichen Raubtierkapitalismus entlarvt und verliert sein Ansehen als blockfreier Staat. Nigeria kommt aus den Schlagzeilen nicht mehr heraus und muss sich etwas Neues einfallen lassen, denn die Anhänger Scheich Zakzakys werden ihre Proteste in Kürze wieder aufnehmen, falls er nicht zur Behandlung in ein anderes Land ausreisen darf. Und die Menschen in der ganzen Welt können sehen, wie einzelne Mutige das gesamte Verbrechersystem des imperialistischen Raubtierkapitalismus ins Wanken bringen können; Menschen, die ihre eigene Gesundheit der Wahrheit opfern.

Gott schütze Scheich Zakzaky und seine Ehefrau und schenke ihnen baldige Genesung und Freiheit!


Yavuz Özoguz  
Yavuz Özoguz
Beiträge: 1.383
Registriert am: 27.12.2011

zuletzt bearbeitet 14.08.2019 | Top

RE: Wie Nigeria mit Indien versucht Afrikas Helden zu betrügen

#2 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 14.08.2019 23:57

Buhari-Regime beauftragt ,,Killer Ärzte" mit der Hinrichtung von El-Zakzaky

Ein guter Artikel aus meiner Sicht, aber Buhari ist kein ,,sunnitischer" Muslim, sondern nichts anderes als eine erbärmliche Marionette der Imperialisten und Zionisten!
In Nigeria geht es nicht um Sunniten und Schiiten (Artikel auf englisch)

Angefügte Bilder:
Aufgrund eingeschränkter Benutzerrechte werden nur die Namen der Dateianhänge angezeigt Jetzt anmelden!
Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

zuletzt bearbeitet 19.08.2019 | Top

RE: Wie Nigeria mit Indien versucht Afrikas Helden zu betrügen

#3 von Yavuz Özoguz , 15.08.2019 07:53

Scheich Zakzakys Mut anzudrohen zurückzufahren hat offensichtlich Wirkung gezeigt. Er und seine Frau haben nunmehr in Indien Zugang zu ihrem eigenen medizinischen Team erhalten. Sie sind zwar immer noch im Krankenhaus eingesperrt, aber es laufen Verhandlungen, um diese Situation zu lösen. Jedes Gebet und weitere informative Aktionen werden von Scheich Zakzakys Team erwünscht.

Yavuz Özoguz  
Yavuz Özoguz
Beiträge: 1.383
Registriert am: 27.12.2011

RE: Wie Nigeria mit Indien versucht Afrikas Helden zu betrügen

#4 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 15.08.2019 11:05

*Twitter Storm For Sheikh Zakzaky*

Be ready to storm Twitter to debunk the lies of the Nigerian Government against #SheikhZakzaky (H) with regards to his medical trip to #India

*Hashtag :- #FGLiesAgainstZakzaky*

Date And Time :- 19/08/2019
Nigeria: 4:00pm
Palestine: 6:00pm
Pakistan 8:00pm
Iran: 6:30pm
Iraq: 6:00pm
India: 8:30pm
UK: 3:00pm (GMT)
Turkey: 6:00pm
Canada: 11am (Ottawa)
USA: 11am (New York)
Lebanon: 6:00pm.
Germany: 5:00pm

#FreeZakzaky #FreedomForZakzaky #FreeZakzakyForTreatment #DeathToBuhari

Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.08.2019 | Top

RE: Wie Nigeria mit Indien versucht Afrikas Helden zu betrügen

#5 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 15.08.2019 14:07

The Invisible Hand is coming into Limelight

Dr. Sabiu Adamu

Some few weeks ago, a High Court in Kaduna ruled a case in favour of Sheikh Ibrahim ZAKZAKY (H) granting him and his wife a medical leave to seek for an urgent medical attention in India. On arrival at the New Delhi International Airport on 13th August 2019, some unexpected activities began to unfold. These include:

*Denying multitude supporters of the sheikh who had gathered at the Airport, an opportunity to see him.

*Denying another contingent of multitude supporters to see him at the Madenta hospital.

*Stationing heavily armed security agents before the Sheikh's room to intimidate him

*Denying the Sheikh to see his trusted Doctors who had earlier examined him in Nigeria, and finally

*Giving the revered Sheikh 2 hours to either accept the assigned Doctors that would see him or leave the country.

All these events are succinctly revealing one thing: the invisible Zionist hand that has been persecuting Sheikh ZAKZAKY (H) in the last 40 years at the local and national horizons of Nigeria, is beginning to rear its head to the limelight of public focus.

Before now, a lot of people find it difficult to believe that the December 12th massacre of 2015 in Zaria was masterminded by CIA of USA. But now, the complicity of America in this recent maltreatment of the Sheikh in India has made it crystal clear to everyone that the invisible hand is US, and it is still sticking to its devilish agenda of annihilating the expensive and prestigious life of the Sheikh.

Our belief is that as Sheikh ZAKZAKY (H) survived almost half a century of your evil machinations at the local and national horizons in Nigeria, which you intended to achieve by proxy, so shall he survive this international conspiracy.

May Allah the Almighty continue to protect Sheikh Ibrahim ZAKZAKY (H), the similitude of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)

Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

RE: Wie Nigeria mit Indien versucht Afrikas Helden zu betrügen

#6 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 15.08.2019 14:10


Just ten hours ago, Nigerian government on its twitter handle posted an insulting remark on Shaykh Zakzaky saying, "On this note, his foul cry that he is being held in circumstances worse than he was in Nigeria should be disregarded" [Signed by Dcns. Grace Isu Gekpe who is a Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Information and Culture, Abuja
14th August 2019] this tweet was by succeeded by another tweet in which it is mentioned that, "The government also wishes to use this opportunity to affirm its readiness to undertake the prosecution of El-Zakzaky through the due process if and when he is returned to the country."

In the response of this mischief, Shaykh replied in a released video that :

Shaykh refuting the lies by Nigerian. Shaykh is speaking on how, despite his doctors recommending a hospital in India; and agreed by the court, the Nigerian government changes the hospital on his arrival in India
The Nigerian government has misled Narendra Modi's office by telling them the Shaykh is suffering from unknown ailments and conditions, while he's already diagnosed and all his conditions are known; he's in India not for diagnosis but for treatment.

The Shaykh explained that Indian government gives him an option of agreeing to Nigerian government's decision or to leave India within two hours, Nigerian government lied to the Indian government on Shaykh Zakzaky's true condition & the Kaduna High Court order. The situation is not yet resolved.

So, Those who are following Shaykh's case from last three years can easily understand which type treachery Nigerian government is playing now. I wished to expose more as soon as possible. Another I want to say that refrain yourself from rumors and some news saying that what we are posting is rumors. This is all happening due to the weak mentalities and laziness of us.
Shaykh has already mentioned that case is not resolved yet. What does it means? It means something is going on there which we don't know. That is why it is requested to rely on the Twitter handles of office of Shaykh and IHRC. Don't ask any Indian Maulana who don't have even a single emotion for Shaykh. Sorry to say that.

Alhamdolillah! Our youths are active and aware of everything. There is a huge blunder is going on outside the hospital everyone wants to become activists without knowing who is Shaykh and what are the norms related to his issue. The video which was released by Bro Shahid Pradhan & Maulana Jalal Naqvi was the one and only authentic from that ground otherwise all are confused and even deceiving the mass.

Allah will protect Shaykh. Insha Allah!


Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

RE: Wie Nigeria mit Indien versucht Afrikas Helden zu betrügen

#7 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 15.08.2019 14:11

Source : IHRC
Date : 15 August 2019
Sheikh El-Zakzaky and Mallimah Zeenah remain under Nigerian security control in hospital in New Delhi. Negotiations are ongoing to ensure both the Sheikh and Mallimah’s immediate needs and comfort are met, as well full access and freedom of movement given.
The Indian authorities still have police stationed at the hospital restraining the Sheikh and Mallimah’s freedom of movement. Today, 15 August, thus far the Nigerian security services have prevented the Sheikh accessing his lawyers, medical team as well as Massoud Shadjareh from IHRC.
#FreeZakzaky #FreedomForZakzaky #Ihrc #IndiaWelcomesZakzaky

Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

RE: Wie Nigeria mit Indien versucht Afrikas Helden zu betrügen

#8 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 19.08.2019 05:27

Many questions have been asked about the background of the latest campaign to get medical treatment for Shaykh Zakzaky and why the choice of India was made. Below is a summary to help explain some of the circumstances:

1. In early 2019, news was circulating that the health of the Shaykh was deteriorating in prison and pressure was put on Nigerian authorities by the Shaykh’s legal team to allow for an independent assessment to be made by private doctors. This continued pressure brought about a decision from the Nigerian courts to allow the Shaykh a visit from doctors of his choice.

2. In extraordinary circumstances, in April 2019, IHRC sent a group of doctors to Nigeria with the hope of assessing Shaykh Zakzaky. This was a dangerous mission and it was unknown whether it would reap any fruit. In fact, even seeing the Shaykh was unlikely. However, with persistence, Massoud Shadjareh, the head of IHRC, along with a group of doctors from India, were able to persuade authorities to visit Shaykh Zakzaky. This was the first time any foreigners were allowed to see Shaykh Zakzaky and even the first time an independent photograph was taken of the Shaykh since the Zaria massacre. This allowed for an opportunity to medically examine the Shaykh, take samples for the labs and with rudimentary equipment do some tests. The group was only in Nigeria for a short number of days and their limited access to the Shaykh ended.

3. Weeks later, the results of the medical assessment became apparent and we were told that Shaykh Zakzaky had many health complications, including bullets lodged in his body, eyesight problems, diabetes and heart problems. But most worrying was the significantly high amounts of lead poison found in his blood. We were told that untreated, this would kill him within a short period of time.

4. The legal team made their case to the Nigerian courts that Shaykh Zakzaky needed urgent medical attention. Their initial demands were rejected as unfounded, without evidence. Thereafter, following much negotiation, a medical report was made by the group of doctors who initially assessed him and was presented to the Nigerian court. The report proved that the Shaykh was in need of urgent medical treatment and that such treatment was unavailable in Nigeria.

5. The courts agreed to hear the case and the legal team prepared its documentation. Multiple countries were approached to see which could provide Shaykh Zakzaky with the required travel permission and medical treatment. However, based on the legal team’s assessment and after various considerations, India became the only viable country to consider. There were reasons for this: Firstly, the situation was time critical due to the Shaykh’s deteriorating health. Secondly, by chance the group of doctors that initially managed to assess the Shaykh, came from India and they were the people who wrote the medical report and offered further assistance. Thirdly, the Shaykh himself trusted these doctors and asked that his medical treatment be done through them. And fourthly, India was a well known destination for medical tourism. In any case, IHRC were looking for other viable options as well, and the factors to consider were the expertise of the doctors, their familiarity with the case, finding a suitable hospital, and to have doctors that could be trusted to handle this important personality. However, at this junction, the courts had already agreed to hear the case based on the findings from the Indian doctors. To change paths would mean that the window of opportunity could shut and not be opened again. From a legal standpoint, this was the only opportunity and as such things proceeded. In spite of this, various other countries were being worked on as secondary options, in case of a scenario where they could be viable options.

6. Knowing full well that the situation was critical, the Free Zakzaky Global campaign was mobilised with activists around the world starting their campaign. It was clear to us that Shaykh Zakzaky and his legal team were asking for him to be freed in order to receive urgently needed medical attention, and as such those were the campaign demands too. The global campaign focused on protests in different world cities including in London where activists started a permanent protest outside the Nigerian High Commission. Meanwhile in Abuja, thousands of Shaykh Zakzaky’s supporters protested in the streets unfortunately resulting in the Nigerian army killing scores of them. In addition to protests, a sustained online social media campaign was underway which internationalized the case of Shaykh Zakzaky.

7. In Nigeria, court proceedings included many adjournments, deliberations between the legal team and the Nigerian government’s prosecution and out of court negotiations. Admist these sessions, another court decided to issue a statement proscribing Shaykh Zakzaky’s movement as a terrorist organisation further complicating matters. Nevertheless, the judge finally concluded and issued a verdict on Monday 5th August granting Shaykh Zakzaky permission to travel for medical treatment. However, this permission restricted his travel to India alone and more specifically to the Medanta Hospital. In addition, the court said that Nigerian officials would ‘supervise’ his visit. Although Medanta was not the preferred choice, and it was chosen by the Nigerian authorities, the Shaykh was left with a decision, either to stay in detention in Nigeria or to embark on this trip to the Medanta Hospital in India. He chose to travel to India. The understanding was that Shaykh would travel on his own expense to India and receive treatment from his own trusted doctors.

8. Upon hearing this news, campaigners around the world were joyous at the breakthrough. Shaykh Zakzaky was to get the urgent medical treatment he sought after, and for us that was a victory. It was a breakthrough in a campaign which included London activists finally ending their 24/7 protest that lasted 33 days outside the Nigerian High Commission.

9. On Monday 12th August, Shaykh Zakzaky was released from his detention facility and travelled from Kaduna to Abuja and then to India via Dubai. However, upon arriving to India, a series of complications transpired that made it apparent that this trip may not achieve its goals. Most noteworthy was that Nigerian officials from the Embassy and their security personnel were no longer simply ‘supervising’ but rather had taken control of all affairs related to the Shaykh’s treatment. They had liaised with Indian authorities such that they could act with impunity. Indian authorities were informed that Shaykh Zakzaky was a terrorist who needed heavy handed treatment. This was supposed be a trip for medical tourism, in which Shaykh had been granted permission to travel. It was not supposed to be a political or inter-governmental initiative with interference from government agencies and armed personnel who would harass the Shaykh and be abusive. The circumstances created by the Nigerian and Indian authorities ultimately prevented Shaykh from his chosen doctors, his legal team, his own security and his advisors, and thereafter tried to appoint their own doctors for him. Shaykh described his hospital room as yet another detention facility but even stricter than that in Nigeria.

10. At this point Shaykh could no longer trust the treatment he was being offered. The people who were responsible for poisoning him, killed his 6 sons, massacred thousands of members of his movement and who kept him unlawfully in detention for the last 3 and a half years, could not possibly be solely given the responsibility of his treatment in a foreign country without any supervision from his close advisors and legal team. This was unacceptable. The role of the cruel Nigerian security services went above and beyond simple ‘supervision’ and the actions of the Indian authorities in facilitating the harassment at the hands of the Nigeria security services was extraordinary, violating medical ethics and human rights of a patient. These circumstances were something no sensible person could continue to trust or have faith in.

11. The Shaykh put out video messages from his hospital room, describing his situation, explaining that he has been prevented from receiving adequate medical treatment for his needs due to the interference of the Nigerian authorities and declared his intention to return to Nigeria.

12. It is important to note here that Shaykh Zakzaky is an intelligent scholar and revolutionary who makes his own decisions. He is the leader of millions of people and is a wise decision maker. In no way, should anyone think that the respected Shaykh has other people or organisations telling him what to do or what to think. He receives advice from a number of sources, including from IHRC, IMN and others, but he was the person who decided to travel to India and he was the person who decided to return to Nigeria. And true to his word, he returned without medical treatment even though it meant walking back into his prison cell.


Ahlulbayt Islamic Mission (AIM) & The Free Zakzaky Global Campaign

Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

RE: Wie Nigeria mit Indien versucht Afrikas Helden zu betrügen

#9 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 22.08.2019 11:43

*#WhoIsZakzaky Global Twitter Storm*

You are invited to join the twitter storm organized to enlighten the world about who is Sheikh Zakzaky (H). People's attention have recently turn to Nigeria, precisely to the Islamic Movement in Nigeria and the leader of the movement. A lot of people want to know more about Sheikh Zakzaky. 

It is obvious that most of us do not know much about Sheikh Zakzaky, his teachings, history, relationship with other people, especially the non Muslims, sacrifices for humanity, activism etc.

During the trend, we expect brothers and sisters to tweet what they know about Sheikh #Zakzaky (H). We also expect you to ask questions about the Sheikh using the hash tag provided and Insha Allah you will get an answer. Don't miss it.

*Hashtag: #WhoIsZakzaky*

*Starting Time:* 4:00pm in Nigeria on Sunday (25/08/2019)

*Starting time in other countries:*
Palestine: 6:00pm
Pakistan 8:00pm
Iran      6:30pm
Iraq   6:00pm
India  8:30pm
UK   3:00pm (GMT)
Turkey 6:00pm
Canada: 11am (Ottawa)
USA: 11am (New York)
Lebanon: 6:00pm.

*Please Give This Message The Widest Coverage*

Thank you all.

Muhammad Darazo
from Imnig Twitter Team
+2348032340282 (WhatsApp, Telegram, VK ETC).

Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

RE: Wie Nigeria mit Indien versucht Afrikas Helden zu betrügen

#10 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 22.08.2019 12:57

*The Office of Allamah Sayyid Ibraheem Zakzaky in Iran*

Phone: +989051294586

Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

I wonder how many pulpits will make people cry over oppression but never once mention the oppressions in Palestine, Yemen, Pakistan, Nigeria and Burma?

#11 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 31.08.2019 09:23

Sheikh Jafar Ladak writes :-

Is there a more powerful annual conference in the world than the ten days of Muharram? But I wonder how it will be used.

I wonder how many youth will spend it arguing and abusing people over its rituals whilst missing its objective of reformation?

I wonder how many pulpits will make people cry over oppression but never once mention the oppressions in Palestine, Yemen, Pakistan, Nigeria and Burma?

I wonder how many men will cry over the attacks on the Ladies Zainab, Umm Kulthum and Sakina (sa) but then return home to oppress and attack their wives and children

I wonder how many will cry over the hunger and thirst of Abdullah ar-Radhi Ali Asghar but then buy products that foster starvation and thirst in this world today

I wonder how many will laude Imam al-Hussain (a) as the master and source of free men, while sitting silently as 100 million people remain in slavery

I wonder how many will reduce Imam al-Hussain (a) to sectarianism, division and sloganeering while claiming him to be the grandest champion of humanity

I wonder how many will curse the dagger of Shimr while saying nothing about the US, Britain, Israel and Saudi exporting weapons and massacre to every corner of the planet

I wonder how many will come to the Mosque as a Hussain but leave as a Yazid from backbiting and ridiculing others, and how many will come to the Majlis as Yazid but return home as Hussain, pure and motivated by the Truth

More than anything, I wonder these things about myself.

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Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

zuletzt bearbeitet 01.09.2019 | Top

RE: I wonder how many pulpits will make people cry over oppression but never once mention the oppressions in Palestine, Yemen, Pakistan, Nigeria and Burma?

#12 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 01.09.2019 03:17


Today, Saturday 31st August 2019; The Inspector General of the Nigerian Police Force issued an order to all police officers to arrest followers of Sheikh Zakzaky, and to demolish any religious centres belonging to Islamic movement in Nigeria (IMN)

This comes as commemorations for the holy month of Muharram near. The Nigerian Army in collaboration with the Nigerian Police have previously killed scores of mourners during Ashura and Arbaeen gatherings.

We request everyone to keep our oppressed brothers and sisters in Nigeria in your prayers, as undoubtedly the Nigerian regime will continue these heinous attacks.


The Free Zakzaky Global Campaign

Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

RE: I wonder how many pulpits will make people cry over oppression but never once mention the oppressions in Palestine, Yemen, Pakistan, Nigeria and Burma?

#13 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 01.09.2019 18:36


*We condemn fresh Police clampdown order on Islamic Movement*

The Inspector General of Police (IGP) has issued a nationwide order to all State Police Commands and Zonal Headquarters dated August 30, 2019 for the immediate arrest of members and leaders of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria and the demolition of their structures across the states.

The IGP based this curtailing of our religious rights on alleged violent protests on July 22 that led to the death of Deputy Commissioner of Police, Umar Usman and a youth corps member, Precious Owolabi and on the assertion that the Islamic Movement has been proscribed by the government.

It is on record that the Buhari administration, since its inception in 2015, has always used the commencement of the first month of the Islamic calendar, Muharram to persecute, kill and maim us and deny us any space to conduct all our religious rites expected of all Shi’ites. This recent order given on the eve of Muharram this year underlines the evil intention of the government to continue this pattern of attacks against Shia Islam and prevent us from conducting all our Muharram religious mourning obligations.

Already, a parade of show of force by the Sokoto police command in dozens of vehicles has started in a neighbourhood with a large population of members of the Islamic Movement, despite the existence of a substantive court order from a Sokoto high court obtained since 31/01/2018 restraining the police force from curtailing the activities of the Islamic Movement in the state. Similarly, in a meeting held in Kaduna, it was decided that the Elrufa’i administration will engage the vigilante groups to clamp down on any Ashura mourning session in Kaduna and environs to augment attacks by the Police command since the police has thus far failed to ‘finish’ the Islamic Movement.

To this end, we want to draw the attention of well-meaning Nigerians and the international community to the fact that the major problem confronting this country is certainly not the free Zakzaky processions, but rather the security challenges characterized by incessant kidnappings, attacks by bandits and terror attacks in most parts of the North. The Sheikh Zakzaky-led Islamic Movement is not a security threat to Nigeria and Nigerians and has never ever been. Certainly, none of our religious rites, including the Ashura mourning sessions and its associated mourning procession or the moulud procession for which members of the Islamic Movement are well known for, can be of any threat to the nation. Even a child can attest to this fact.

It is therefore strange that a fresh attempt by this regime to use all the paraphernalia of its office to brutally kill, maim and imprison thousands of innocent Nigerians, simply because of their faith at such a difficult time being experienced by Nigerians. The Buhari administration cannot continue to hide its incompetence and inadequacies in remedying the major problems confronting Nigeria by manipulating religious sentiments simply to score some cheap political points.

Members of the Islamic Movement will most certainly remain steadfast and continue with all our religious programs and activities of Ashura mourning as well as the peaceful struggle for the freedom of Sheikh Zakzaky and the hundred others still in detention since the infamous Zaria genocide of December 2015. We have since challenged the proscription order in court and should our rights and freedoms to worship be further infringed upon in any way, we will not hesitate to take all necessary legitimate measures to enforce our rights.

We are the followers of Imam Husain (AS), the Grandson of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). We will never bow and submit to tyranny, oppression and extrajudicial killings.

SKYPE: Ibrahim.musa42

Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

RE: I wonder how many pulpits will make people cry over oppression but never once mention the oppressions in Palestine, Yemen, Pakistan, Nigeria and Burma?

#14 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 02.09.2019 14:07

*We Know Groups Are Not Much Active Due To Less Information Or Progress In Sheikh's Matter But Don't Forget Sheikh And His Wife Are Still In Illegal Detention And We Must Pressurise Nigerian Regime As Much As Possible*

*Go For Legal Actions Like Petition To Your Government, Nigerian High Commission In Your Country, Your Foreign Ministry And Also Write For Sheikh On Social Media*

Our Demand Is Clear, *Immediate Unconditional Release Of Sheikh Zakzaky (h) And His Wife*

Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

RE: I wonder how many pulpits will make people cry over oppression but never once mention the oppressions in Palestine, Yemen, Pakistan, Nigeria and Burma?

#15 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 05.09.2019 04:38

*UN report blasts police plans to attack Ashura processions in Nigeria*

A United Nations report has criticised a leaked directive from the chief of police in Nigeria which has sparked fears that the authorities are preparing to use the impending anniversary of Ashura to escalate a bloody crackdown against the country’s Islamic Movement.


Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.579
Registriert am: 06.03.2019


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